Feel inspired heading into 2017 and let us know what you think about these Brand Identities. Here are our picks for the best and worst identity design this year.
As a design agency, we have a passion for all things paper. So we were blown away by Gonzalo Garcia Calvo works. He is a Madrid-based full-time musician, but Gonzalo also does something really amazingRead more
The greatest of advertising ideas can get ruined if the art direction is not spot on. Today’s post salutes the brave designers and art directors who stayed up all night, battled nonsensical client feedback andRead more
Speaking for the unheard using the power of media – these thought-provoking advertisements bring to the fore the plight of abused, poached and over-harvested animal populations around the world. Often not easy to face butRead more
Satellite dishes don’t paint a pretty picture on our urban landscape. But now, Sonè Kuhn, following in the footsteps of the Cairo Dish-Painting Initiative, is set to change the landscape of Hangberg, Hout Bay. https://www.facebook.com/capetowndishpaintinginitiative/Read more
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